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A news site focusing on people, places and events happening in and around Stephenville and Erath County, Texas.

Setting the record straight: There is no plan to issue bond proposal for Hook Elementary.
By CHAD ELMS Special to Beneath the Surface News Over the last several days, I’ve started to hear some misinformation floating around on...
Oct 12, 20223 min read

Opinion: The city of Stephenville does not need to spend $84k on a lobbyist.
Should the city of Stephenville spend taxpayer dollars on a lobbyist? This is a question that will be answered at the upcoming city...
Oct 11, 20221 min read

Dear Darcy: I don’t want to go to my parents’ alma mater. Please help!
Dear Darcy – My parents met and fell in love while attending the same Texas college. They are still very connected to their alma mater...
Sep 25, 20221 min read

She is strong. She is tough. And she still became a victim of domestic abuse. Don’t miss her story.
By SARA VANDEN BERGE The years I’ve spent working as a journalist have desensitized me to a lot of hard things. I’ve covered fatal car...
Sep 23, 20222 min read

I have some heartbreaking news to share: Eddie has disappeared and I don’t think he’s coming home.
By SARA VANDEN BERGE My sweet kitten Eddie – you know, the one you all helped me name Edgar Allan Poe – is gone. He went missing last...
Sep 13, 20221 min read

SISD meeting to consider future of federal program that keeps our children fed gets canceled.
By SARA VANDEN BERGE A called meeting by the Stephenville ISD board of trustees to discuss the future of the Community Eligibility...
Aug 8, 20223 min read

RMD changes you should know and plan for.
By Justin Haschke CPA, CFP You know what they say: The government giveth and the government taketh away. That’s especially true about...
Jul 20, 20225 min read

OPINION: This summer many cannot afford gas and electricity. This is why.
You love your electricity and gas. You expect it to be there when you need it, turn on the light switch and turn down the AC or go down...
Jul 14, 20223 min read

The fox is in the hen house, so we have wind and solar.
By Joanna Friebele This country is heading into third world status! I hate to be an alarmist, but I’m stealing a page out of the green...
Jun 8, 20223 min read

Tarleton President Dr. James Hurley emphasizes partnerships with community, civic leaders.
Special to Beneath the Surface News TSU Media Relations Tarleton State University is proud to work hand in hand with Stephenville’s...
May 3, 20223 min read

Why I believe Amauri Martinez is the best candidate for SISD Board of Trustees.
Positions on the School Board are not positions to be taken lightly. As a retired teacher, who was honored to serve the students of...
Apr 29, 20221 min read

Luke Sims stands ‘up for what he believes in, even if it goes against popular opinion.’
It is my pleasure to support Luke Sims for SISD School Board Place 4. As a parent of a student, spouse of an educator, and supporter of...
Apr 28, 20221 min read

The reasons why I am supporting David Baskett for Stephenville City Council.
As a community member who has lived in Stephenville for over 40 years, I am supporting David Baskett for Stephenville City Council Place...
Apr 28, 20221 min read

Brady Pendleton is a ‘resolute community member, the mold which leaders are made.’
We have known Brady and his wife Lisa for many years. Except for his time at law school, Brady has always lived in Stephenville with his...
Apr 27, 20221 min read

‘Dean Parr will be a strong conservative leader and man we can trust.’
I have known Dean Parr since he was a child. He has grown up here and this is his home. He is a man of strong moral fiber. He has a deep...
Apr 27, 20221 min read

As a teacher, businessman and community member, Amauri Martinez will serve the needs of each student
It is with great pleasure that I endorse Amauri Martinez for SISD School Board Place 4. I have known Amauri as a co-worker and friend for...
Apr 26, 20221 min read

State Representative Shelby Slawson backs Doug Svien’s re-election campaign for mayor.
A few years ago, my friend Doug Svien and I were walking the halls of the Texas legislature in pursuit of a remedy to an issue our...
Apr 26, 20221 min read

‘Luke Sims brings the kind of experience, passion, common sense and leadership we need.'
I have had the pleasure of knowing Luke Sims and his family for several years. I’ve watched Luke build businesses, invest in community...
Apr 26, 20222 min read

Tarleton addresses Memorial Stadium, football and the Stephenville Yellow Jackets.
Dear Tarleton and Stephenville Family and Friends, University and high school football have been part of our town’s DNA for decades, with...
Apr 25, 20221 min read

City councilman Alan Nix lends his support to David Baskett.
It is my pleasure to support David Baskett for City Council Place 6. When I made the decision to not seek another term, I encouraged...
Apr 25, 20221 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
4 hours ago2 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
11 hours ago1 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
13 hours ago1 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
1 day ago2 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
1 day ago2 min read

Small, locally-owned waste management company says top-notch customer service is its No. 1 priority.
Sara Vanden Berge
3 days ago1 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
4 hours ago2 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
11 hours ago1 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
13 hours ago1 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
1 day ago2 min read

Sara Vanden Berge
1 day ago2 min read

Small, locally-owned waste management company says top-notch customer service is its No. 1 priority.
Sara Vanden Berge
3 days ago1 min read
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