City councilman Alan Nix lends his support to David Baskett.

It is my pleasure to support David Baskett for City Council Place 6.
When I made the decision to not seek another term, I encouraged David to run in my place. Why?
David is a fifth generation businessman in our community. He has deep roots here! He cares about Stephenville and its future.
He has served on the Board of Adjustment giving him firsthand experience in the city's workings, its issues and its vision.
He is actively involved in our schools, local civic organizations and charity benefits for others.
He has experience in banking and lending giving him valuable insight for helping this city grow while also striving to help the city "get the most bang for its buck."
Help me help Stephenville by voting David Baskett for City Council Place 6 on May 7. Sincerely, Alan Nix