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‘Dean Parr will be a strong conservative leader and man we can trust.’

Dean Parr

I have known Dean Parr since he was a child. He has grown up here and this is his home.

He is a man of strong moral fiber.

He has a deep interest in the welfare of our community and our schools. He has no hidden agenda and will be a watch guard for our financial well-being. He will spend our money as conservatively as he spends his own.

He will always vote in favor of what is best for his constituents. Dean will be a strong conservative leader and a man we can trust to do what he says he will do.

This is why Dean Parr will have my vote for City Council in May.

I look forward to having him in a leadership role for our community. I would trust Dean with my life and I will certainly trust him with the life of our city.


Donna Wesson

Retired educator, SISD


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