Erath County volunteer firefighter airlifted to FW hospital after being struck on motorcycle.

An Erath County volunteer firefighter is in a Fort Worth hospital after the motorcycle he was riding Monday evening was struck by a car.
Andrew Dean, 21, is scheduled to undergo surgery at noon today (Tuesday) to fix two broken femurs and several other broken bones, Chris Brooks, coordinator of Erath County Volunteer Fire Rescue, told Beneath the Surface News.
Brooks and other fellow volunteer firefighters have been holding vigil at the hospital since Monday night.
“He is like a little brother to all of us so there is nothing in the world more important than this right now,” Brooks said.
Captain James Gresham with the Stephenville Police Department said Dean was traveling west on a motorcycle in the 2200 block of Lingleville Road about 7 p.m. Monday when a 2006 Chevy Impala, driven by 33-year-old Haley Hostetler of Stephenville, struck him as she attempted to make a left turn into Oak Tree Apartments.
Dean was airlifted to a Fort Worth hospital with serious, but not life-threatening injuries.
“We all share the road together and it’s imperative to be on the lookout for everyone and that includes motorcycles and bicyclists,” Gresham said.
Hostetler was issued a traffic citation for failing to yield the right-of-way.
Meanwhile, Brooks is asking residents to pray for Dean.
“We will be by his family’s side throughout this process,” Brooks said.