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Is Stephenville’s historic downtown haunted? Find out this weekend during the city’s ghost walk.


If you’re a scaredy cat, this is probably not for you.

But if you have an interest in all things creepy – as in haunted buildings and roaming spirits – a ghost walk happening on Saturday, May 28, in downtown Stephenville will be right up your alley.

The Stephenville Downtown Merchants and Erath County Paranormal Society have partnered to bring a series of ghost walks to the city.

The Erath County Paranormal Society consists of people who believe that the paranormal is real and they have spent the past several weeks working with downtown businesses to investigate rumored tales of ghostly deeds.

In a previous interview, Judi White, vice president of the Erath County Paranormal Society, said the Stephenville Rec Center is the city’s most haunted building, but that was before they started investigating others.

Since then, the group has set up an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) recorder at Frames Etc, Hearsay Wine Bar, Cross Timbers Fine Arts Council and Cowboy Way Travel.

But mum’s the word on what they discovered.

“They found some really interesting things that people are going to enjoy hearing about,” said Julie Lowrance, president of the Stephenville Downtown Merchants.

Tickets for the ghost walk are $10 per person and $5 for kids 10 and under.

The tours will begin at the Stephenville Rec Hall at 8:30 and 9:15 p.m.

If you can’t make the ghost walk on May 28, don’t fret; there are more scheduled for June 25, July 30, Aug. 27, Sept. 24, Oct. 14 and 15 and Oct. 21 and 22.


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