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‘It has been the honor of a lifetime.’ Huckabee to resign early from city council.

Brandon Huckabee

Citizens of Stephenville, It has been the honor of a lifetime to serve the citizens of Stephenville, Texas for the last four years. I believe, with the work we have done the last few years, we have set the city on a path of success and prosperity for all citizens.

I look forward to building upon the county and city relationship in my new role when we take office this upcoming January. I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be resigning from my Place 8 seat on April 29.

I am leaving a week early due to the fact that my family has sold our home inside the city limits and will be moving to our new home site outside the city limits in Erath County. I appreciate everyone that I have served with the past four years and look forward to many great years of working to continue to make this the greatest place in the world to call home. Respectfully, Brandon J Huckabee


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