Local organizations invited to apply for Birdie Hartsough Frey Memorial Fund. Deadline is Aug. 15.
Special to Beneath the Surface News
Birdie Hartsough Frey was a prominent Stephenville resident of the last century known as a generous and thrifty person.
Although she passed away in 1961, her charitable efforts live on through the Birdie Hartsough Frey Memorial Fund. Each year, this fund awards grants to charitable organizations serving the Stephenville area.
Since 2007, the fund has awarded a total of more than $186,000 in grants totaling between $10,000 - $15,200.
Recipients of the Birdie Hartsough Frey Memorial Fund have included Big Brothers Big Sisters of Erath County, CASA for the Cross Timbers Area, Inc., Come Eat, Inc., Erath County Habitat for Humanity, Erath County Humane Society, Erath County Master Gardeners, Erath County Senior Citizens, Inc., Friends of the Stephenville Public Library, H.O.P.E., Inc., Keep Stephenville Beautiful, Mistletoe Hut, Inc., Oakdale United Methodist Church/Cross Timbers Backpack Buddies, Paluxy River Children’s Advocacy Center, Pets are Worth Saving, Restoration Advocates and the Stephenville Historical House Museum.
The Birdie Hartsough Frey Memorial Fund is administered by JP Morgan Chase and grant applications are reviewed locally by a committee of area citizens. Currently serving on this committee are Jane Hickie, Thetis Edwards, Don Jones, Mary Lilly, Frances Looney, Alisa Terrell Starbird and Connie Wooley.
Click here to apply for a grant by Aug. 15.
Applicants must be 501(c)(3) entities with a focus on arts and culture, human and social services, health and medical research, education, animal welfare, religious, scientific, community development, civic activities or the environment.