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Mary Trammell recognized for 50 years of empowering and improving the lives of women.

Pictured sitting (from left) Virginia Bills, Mary Trammell, Yvonne Jenkins; (standing) Tammy Hudson, Lisa Pence, Kandi Rutledge and Stephenville Zonta President Jamie Jones.

Mary Trammell was recently recognized for serving 50 consecutive years in the Stephenville chapter of Zonta International.

Chapter president Jamie Jones presented Trammel with a commemorative plaque and praised her as a special person who is involved in her community, who cares about the future and is willing to share a wealth of knowledge to upcoming leaders.

"Through your membership of 50 years, you have demonstrated your commitment to empowering women in your community and in the world,” Zonta International President Sharon Langenbeck stated to Trammell in a letter. “You have contributed to improving women's lives and to empowering them so they can develop their full potential."


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