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New crisis center touts Batterer Intervention Prevention Program as way to end domestic violence.

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

A new crisis prevention center is working to reduce domestic violence through a unique program aimed at helping those with anger issues get their emotions under control.

CW Outreach Agency, located in Stephenville, is a state accredited Batterer Intervention Prevention Program (BIPP) that offers classes to those who want to improve their relationships by getting their anger under control.

Chris and Lauren Wernert own and operate CW Outreach, which became accredited with the state in March.

“When people think about domestic violence, most people think that it’s physical,” Chris told Beneath the Surface News. “But there are all kinds of abuse - from sexual to emotional - and I work with clients to help them recognize abuse and manage it.

“Abuse is any situation when one partner holds power over the other. Our experience enables us to offer other options to use rather than resorting to violence.”

The 24-week program includes a two-hour group meeting every week.

“And if clients want to talk one-on-one, I will do that too at no extra charge,” Chris said.

There is an initial $80 fee for intake and orientation and each class is $30.

Discounts for some may apply.

“What makes us different is that we are available 24/7 and clients can reach me on my cell phone any time,” Chris said. If a client calls and says, ‘Hey, I’m angry and need help, we are available to help diffuse the situation because these are not 8 to 5 problems.

“We treat our clients like human beings and guide them in the right direction to help better their lives and families.”

CW Outreach is located at 2180 W. South Loop Suite 5 (across from Barefoot Market) in Stephenville.

For more information or to make an appointment, call 254-459-4690.


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