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Sheriff Matt Coates set to take on another 4 years after Tuesday’s big win.

Erath County Sheriff Matt Coates

It’s hard to imagine that anyone was surprised Tuesday night when Erath County Sheriff Matt Coates was re-elected to another term.

After all, his only challenge was from a man accused of forging dozens of signatures on an election petition to get his name on the ballot.

Now, Coates, with another difficult election season behind him, can finally look forward to four uninterrupted years in office.

“I’m excited and looking forward to watching the sheriff’s office grow along with the community,” Coates told Beneath the Surface News. “We are going to keep our nose to the grindstone and do our part to keep this county the best in the state.”

Coates had a strong lead in early voting with 10,808 votes, while his opponent Paul Tyus received 1,973.

Coates said that it will be business as usual at the Erath County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Tyus remains under the investigative scope of the Erath County District Attorney’s Office. He has been charged with fraudulent use of identifying information and tampering with a government document.


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