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Ahhhh Nespresso. Enjoy a cup before you start the day.

Updated: Apr 14, 2020
My new Nespresso machine.

The Husband and I are social beings and get antsy when we are forced to sit for too long.

As we continue to heed the advice of experts to practice social distancing to stop the spread of coronavirus, like you, we are searching for ways to stay entertained at home.

Let’s face it, we can only mop the floors so many times.

These days we find ourselves going on longer walks (near our home), reading more and searching for new Netflix series.

We also find ourselves eating and drinking more than usual.

As we adapt to this temporary new normal, I’ll be blogging about favorite finds I’m enjoying to get through these difficult days.


I love a good cup of coffee, especially a strong, foamy concoction that makes me feel fancy.

I have been eyeing the Nespresso machine for years, but I hesitated to spend money on something I wasn’t sure The Husband would enjoy.

(He is a one-cupper who takes his Folgers with a heaping splash of vanilla creamer.)

But the coffee gods were at work recently when I had my first cup of Nespresso while waiting in the lobby of a doctor’s office. I fell in love!

That same afternoon, my mom called to say she ordered me “one of those Nespresso machines” from QVC. I was thrilled!

Simply insert one capsule of the coffee grown from independent coffee farmers – and voila – you are a barista!

It’s simple and delicious and has made mornings something to linger over.


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