The race is on: Greg Evans announces his candidacy for justice of the peace.

The race to become Erath County’s next justice of the peace for precincts 1, 3 and 4 is getting crowded.
Erath County resident Greg Evans is one of three Republican candidates now running for the position currently held by Judge Shawnee Bass who is not seeking re-election.
I spoke with Greg about the reasons behind his decision to run for public office and his 45-year career in law enforcement.
“I graduated from high school early because I knew I wanted to become a police officer,” Greg told Beneath the Surface News.
He began pursuing that dream while still a teenager, attending Tyler Junior College to earn enough hours to enter the police academy where he graduated third in his class at the age of 19.
He spent the next 36 years working for the Dallas Police Department as a detective sergeant overseeing property recovery; administrative planning sergeant with Homeland Security/SWAT; supervisor of field training programs and as an active shooter response supervisor.
After leaving the DPD, he worked as a full-time and reserve deputy for the Erath County Sheriff’s Office until 2018 when he decided to try his hand at retirement.
“I became a peace officer to help people, and it’s hard to step away from a career you love,” Greg said. “When I am justice of the peace, I will work to keep Erath County a safe and fair place to live.”
He will run against Jocelyn Perez who currently serves as Judge Bass’ chief clerk and Tarleton Police Officer Chili Alexander in next year’s Republican Primary.
Greg and his wife Bunny have been married for 41 years and have one son and one daughter.
To learn more about his candidacy, email or call 972-979-9015.