U.S. Marshals arrest Stephenville man charged with promotion of child pornography.

A Stephenville man was taken into custody Thursday and charged with promotion of child pornography after he reportedly fled from authorities following an outcry from an alleged victim.
Arran James Spoede, 46, was arrested by U.S. Marshals in Conway, Arkansas and will be extradited back to Erath County.
According to the official complaint obtained by Beneath the Surface News, a woman contacted the Erath County Sheriff’s Office on Sept. 13 to make an outcry of sexual assault against Spoede.
The now 20-year-old woman, identified as "Jane" in the complaint to protect her identity, told investigator Rosye Holland that Spoede began sexually assaulting her when she was 12 years old and the abuse continued until 2022.

Authorities seized Spoede’s cell phone and it was sent to the U.S. Secret Service for forensic analysis.
The complaint states that the data depicted Spoede having sex with Jane and other unidentified women. One of those videos included Jane when she was 13-14 years old.
“Jane watched the video, and confirmed her age at the time the video was made, and also confirmed it was her unclothed body that was depicted in the video,” the complaint states.
Spoede has worked as the systems administrator at Pecan Valley MHMR for more than a decade.
Der Fall des Stephenville-Mannes, der wegen der Förderung von Kinderpornografie festgenommen wurde, ist schockierend und zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, solche Verbrechen ernst zu nehmen. Es ist absurder unsinn, dass es in unserer Gesellschaft immer noch Menschen gibt, die solche kriminellen Aktivitäten unterstützen. Wir müssen als Gemeinschaft aufwachen und alles daran setzen, Kinder zu schützen und solche Vergehen zu verhindern. Der Schutz der Schwächsten sollte immer an erster Stelle stehen, und es ist wichtig, dass die Justiz in solchen Fällen konsequent handelt. Weitere Informationen zu diesem Vorfall finden Sie hier.